Do we really care about our National Flag?

    About India Flag:

Blog by sravanthi.


We just finshed our  Independence day recently.  We all listen patriotic songs, watching patriotic movies  telecasted by different channels, and uploading Reels on Social media, buy flags and fix on our vehicles, home, offices etc. Earlier it was not allowed to put flag on our/home/buildings etc. but it became possible because of Flag Code which permits to do so. This helped many of us to display patriotism towards our beloved nation. We know there are pros and cons of any actions, this also had. This freedom leads to disrespect to our national flag, in terms of bad conditions of flag used i.e. torn/mutilated flags during and after the celebration. On the eve of Independence Day, Republic Day and on the day of celebration, we can see vendors on the both side of the road selling flags and different articles for celebrating the day, we all enthusiastically purchase it and fix to our vehicles. This scenario is very encouraging but what is the situation by the evening or next day, flags are lying on the roads, in sewer in mutiliated condition. For this situation we purchased the flag which shows utter disrespect to our national flag which is the pride of our nation? In another scenario some people burns national flags in agitation, during protest and media reporting is also done but final actions, we do not have any idea about it. Many people died for honour of flag and we do not bother about it at all. Some country spirited person picks up flags and put it at proper place or dispose it in proper way. It is pertinent of note that we have laws, rules in place regarding the said matter but how it is being enforced that we all know. Let us have a glance on laws related to national flags and matter related to it.

The Indian national flag was designed as a symbol of freedom. The late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru called it "a flag not only of freedom for ourselves, but a symbol of freedom to all people."

The Indian national flag is a horizontal tricolor in equal proportion of deep saffron on the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom. The ratio of the width to the length of the flag is 2:3. At the center of the white band, is a wheel in navy blue color that indicates the Dharma Chakra (the wheel of law). The wheel has 24 spokes.

The saffron color in the flag stands for courage, sacrifice and the spirit of renunciation; the white, for purity and truth; and the green for faith and fertility.

History of Indian National Flag

The Indian national flag, represents India's long struggle for freedom is a national treasure. It signifies the status of India as an independent republic. The Indian National Flag came into being in its present form at the meeting of Constitutional Assembly on 22nd July 1947. Since then it has first served as the National Flag of the Dominion of India from 15 August 1947 to 26 January 1950 and thereafter as the national flag of the Republic of India. The Indian National Flag was designed by Pingali Venkayya and contains three equal strips of saffron, white and green. The ratio of its width to its length is two is to three.

A navy blue color "Chakra" known as the Ashoka Chakra, which has twenty-four spokes is present in the middle of the white strip. According to the standard set down by ISI (Indian Standard Institution) it should occupy seventy five percent of the space of the white strip. The National Flag is one of the most respectable national symbols. There are strict laws regarding its manufacturing and its hoisting. The official flag specifications require the flag to be made of Khadi, which is a special hand spun yarn made up of cotton, silk and wool.

Code of Conduct Being a national symbol it is respected by every Indian. There are certain dos and don'ts laid down for common people regarding Indian flag:

  • When the National Flag is raised the saffron color band should be at the top.
  • No flag or emblem should be placed either above the National Flag or to its right.
  • All other flags to be placed to the left of the National Flag if they are hung in a line.
  • When the National Flag is carried in a procession or parade, it shall be on the marching right or in front of the center of the line, if there is a line of other flags.
  • Normally the National Flag should be flown over important government buildings like the Rashtrapati Bhawan, the Parliament House, the Supreme Court of India, the High Courts, the Secretariats, the Commissioners' office etc.
  • The National Flag or any imitation of it must not be used for purpose of trade, business, or profession.
  • The National Flag should always be taken down in the evening at sunset.

Indian Flag - Facts

The National flag of India has three equal horizontal bands - the top panel is India saffron (Kesari), the bottom panel is India green and white middle band bearing at its centre the design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes. It was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 22 July 1947, when it became the official flag of the Dominion of India. The flag was subsequently retained as that of the Republic of India. The flag is based on the Swaraj flag, a flag of the Indian National Congress designed by Pingali Venkayya.
ndian Flag - Colors meaning
The saffron colour denotes renunciation, disinterestedness, courage and sacrifice. White colour denotes truth, peace and purity. Green colour symbolizes prosperity, vibrance and life. The Ashok Chakra (wheel) represents the righteousness, progress and perpetuity. The 24 spokes of the wheel represents the 24 hours of a day.
India Flag - Facts & information for kids
Indian flag, by law, is to be made of khadi(a type of hand-spun cloth)
The Ashoka chakra on Indian flag was taken from the Lion capital of Ashoka. The Lion capital of Ashoka is a sculpture of four "Indian lions" standing back to back that was originally placed atop the Aśoka pillar at Sarnath by Emperor Ashoka.
India flag 

I would like you spread awareness about the production and purchasing of your national flag
Everyone purchase national flags on jan 26 and aug 15 and after that they just throw them after showing one day patriotism after that no body like to keep them. In that it’s better not to produce them right and it’s plastic also 
I don’t mean don’t show patriotism, I just mean don’t insult after showing it
Anyway people gather and host the flag I think that’s enough 
We need to be Indian by our clean heart
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see you soon.       -Sravanthi.


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